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Are you ready to take your success and entertainment to the next level? The Stem programmable is now available.
• Micro bit is the main controller processer.
• 3.7v L power supply has been provided.
• Remote Control: The IR/bit remote control is used.
• Welding is not needed for assembly; only building blocks are used.
• Graphical Programming is the programming method.
The kit includes 130 blocks of various shapes and two motors, one sensor, and all of the necessary parts for endless play. Each kit can be used to make upto 6 pre-designed Botzees.
A number of basic versions are included in the Stem bit building blocks kit. Thanks to a large number of circuit elements, it can achieve a range of innovative plays.
A smart robot car is made up of building blocks and electronic modules that can be programmed to avoid obstacles and track themselves. It can be used to create a variety of shapes and is regulated by programming circuits.
Botzees are a building toy that combines imagination, coding, and construction to keep kids occupied and learning for hours. Botzees robots come with a companion app that allows them to walk, drum, dance, make noises, and light up.
Botzees are cute programmable bots that YOU build and control using the latest in augmented reality.
Botzees combine construction, creativity, and coding to keep kids engaged and learning for hours.Botzees robots offer many modes of play: to move, drum, dance, make sounds, and light up using the companion app. 30 interactive Augmented Reality puzzles teach even more coding concepts with visual cues.
The stem coding robot toy is wonderful christmas gift for kids. This STEM toy introduces younger learners to the world of AR and Coding! Combine the motors and sensor with rounded pieces to create fun robots!
Learn coding along the way through our fun and delightful game! Perfect gift for 4+ year old boys and girls. As a global brand and award winning STEM toy, Botzees is recognized by organizations such as Purdue University, PareSTEM Toysagazine, and Mothering Magazine - just to name a few!
The kit includes 130 uniquely shaped blocks; including 2 motors, 1 sensor, and all the pieces needed for endless play. Up to 6 pre-designed Botzees can be built from each kit. Or, kids can create their own unique Botzees
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